Nicknaming Whales - Voting

Giving whales nicknames on the coast of British Columbia and Washington is a longstanding tradition: Grey, Killer, Minke, and Humpback Whales are all routinely given names that are generally easier to remember than their ID numbers, and allows for a better appreciation of these creatures as unique individuals, therefor facilitating increased public interest and conservation.
Help us pick new nicknames for the whales!

Nicknames chosen by attendees of our presentation for Wonders of the Salish Sea 2024, hosted by Transition Saltspring Soceity.
Click here to suggest a name for BCY1088
Voting is now closed. Thank you for selecting the name Mariposa!


Nicknames chosen by attendees of the Ocean Wise Naturalist Night 2023 @ the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea
Click here to vote on a name (voting closes 2023-06-01)
Voting is now closed. Thank you for selecting the name Marianas!